Are schools safe for students ? so far 3 teenage boys have been shot leaving school . The education system is not offering these young kids any type of security . How are we going to keep our kids safe ?when kids bring guns to school to protect themselves they are arrested and sent to jail . We are not questioning why does a teenage kid need to bring a gun to school. 16 year old Deanta Dorsey was shot and killed leaving school with his friends an arrest was made another teenage was charged with this murder .

2nd we have 15 year old Laron who was shot and killed leaving school he was known as a gentle giant .

3rd and most recent we have 16 year old Izaiah who was leaving school .

Do you see a pattern with these school shootings? School seems to be a perfect ambush for kids to kill other kids if your kid is having issues with other youth as parents try your best to resolve this beef . Last year another teen 17 year old Jerimiah Brogdan was shot and killed exiting school the teen who shot him was detained shortly after.

Overall students need education public school is not the best option for kids the curriculum has been the same for 50+ years its time to make a change ! Rest in Peace Jerimiah brogdan 17 Deanta Dorsey 16 , Laron 15 and Izaiah 16